Among all the variations of roulette in both land-based and online casinos, European roulette is the preference of the majority of players. The reason for its huge popularity is that it provides a player with a greater chance to earn, as the house advantage here is merely 2.63%.
The European roulette wheel has 37 divisions, where numbers from 1 to 36 and 0 can be found. Numbers from 1 to 36 are alternately colored red and black, while the single zero is marked in green.
The main objective, which any player pursues, is to predict, which numbered pocket the roulette ball is going to settle into. In order to do that, all players make bets on a particular number, after which the dealer turns the roulette wheel in one direction and spins the roulette ball in the opposite. Once the ball finds its way into the pocket with that particular number, the respective player(s) get paid.
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